The Department of Veteran’s Affairs were kind enough to send this letter of thanks. This is why we do what we do and love having partners like you.
Thank you so much for supporting the James Burton Foundation.

The Department of Veteran’s Affairs were kind enough to send this letter of thanks. This is why we do what we do and love having partners like you.
Thank you so much for supporting the James Burton Foundation.
The James Burton Foundation was thrilled to be able to donate guitars again to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville. The hospital was so kind to send a thank you note. We wanted to share with you what a difference your donations and contributions to the James Burton Foundation make in the lives of others. Continued thanks for your support!
Just wanted to let our friends know that we’re safe in Nashville. Thankfully, our house was spared damage but PLEASE continue to pray for those affected by this storm.
Anytime there is loss of life, it’s devastating.
Truly thankful for all of your concern.
James & Louise
Well guys, we did it!
We are so excited to have been able to donate guitars to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and the V.A. Hospital, both in Nashville, TN.
We believe in healing through the gift of music.
Thanks to everyone who partners and supports the James Burton Foundation with their time and money.
Without your support, we couldn’t continue to make this difference.
If you’d like to make a donation, any amount helps, visit
I’m truly honored to call you friend.
Thanks and GOD BLESS!